Phone Sales & Support 1300 551 084

Phone Sales & Support 1300 551 084

How do I upgrade/downgrade my current plan? Print

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You can upgrade your service plan through our secure client area, to do this follow the steps below.

  1. Open a browser and go to:

  2. Login with your username and password (if you've forgotten your username or password you can retrieve it from the login page)

  3. Go to, Services > My Services. 

  4. You will see a list of your services. To the right of your service click the "View Details" button.

  5. Click the "Management Actions" tab.  If you wish upgrade the package itself, click "Upgrade/Downgrade".  If you wish to add or remove an add-on option, e.g. daily backups, then click "Upgrade/Downgrade Options".

  6. At this point, you may see this message (which may require you to settle an outstanding invoice before upgrading):

"You cannot currently upgrade or downgrade this product because an invoice has already been generated for the next renewal."

  7. On the next page, the upgrade options will be displayed.  You should select the most suitable option and follow the prompts through to the payment gateway.

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