Phone Sales & Support 1300 551 084

Phone Sales & Support 1300 551 084

How to install SSL certificate Print

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If you already have the certificate details, just follow the steps below to install the SSL certificate. If you still need to generate the CSR, the instructions can be found here.
  1. Login to your Plesk panel account
  2. On Websites & Domains, click on SSL/TLS Certificates
  3. Click on the Add SSL/TLS Certificate button
  4. You have two options, either upload the certificate files or paste them as text:
    • If you have the cert files, just click on the Choose file buttons and upload each of the needed files, once done click on the Upload certificate button.
    • If you have the certificate details as text, just copy and paste the certificate details on their respective field and once done just click on the Upload certificate button.
  5. When you have finished uploading the certificate details, next is to bind them. Go back to Website & Domains and click on Hosting Settings.
  6. Under security - Certificate, choose from the drop down menu the certificate details you have just installed.

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