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Phone Sales & Support 1300 551 084

Reset your cPanel password Udskriv

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You may have lost the login details for your cPanel account. If that is the case, you can reset the login details from the Entity Data Client Area.

  1. Open your browser and go to, click "Entity Client Logon".
  2. Type in your username and password for the client area (if you don't know this you can do a password recovery to your email).
  3. Once logged in, click 'Services' then 'My Services'
  4. Click the 'View details' button, located next to your cPanel hosting service.
  NB: You can also log in to cPanel from the next page using the 'Log into cPanel' button
  5. Click on the 'Change Password' tab, and then enter your new password in both of the available fields, and finally, click 'Save Changes'.

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